Monday, March 12, 2018

Church and the Beach

Wow.  What a church service that was!  Today we had the pleasure of worshiping with the congregation of Mount Olive Baptist Church.  They were so welcoming and appreciative to have us with them.  What the congregation lacked in numbers, they made up in exuberance, praise and commitment to Jesus.  The music from the men's chorus was incredible and had us on our feet, tapping our toes, clapping our hands and praising God.  We have a DVD that we hope to share so you can experience just a little of what we did.  The Pastor even invited our minister to come down and preach next year...... 

After church we went for a drive around town to show the "new" folks all the houses we have had a hand in building.  They all looked great and well taken care of.  We then headed to the beach in White Stone for our annual "jump" photo as well as a quick walk about.  Jelly fish, lots of oyster shells and visual clues of the magnitude of the recent weather on the local shoreline.

The team then made their way up to Huglett Nature Reserve for a hike through the woods and back along another larger section of beach.  It was a nice walk, albeit a little cool with the winds off the water.

We shared a wonderful meal at the hotel of individual salads and pizza - nothing fancy but a great time to share fellowship.  We followed up with a great game of paper telephone (which was a first for many) and a building challenge with Lego.  The colourful creations were well thought out and each came with a detailed explanation.

We ended our evening with our letter from home which was written by Carl Smith.

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